Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm Back!!!

I big "Thank You" to Robin for this wonderful graphic. I am trying to figure out how to turn it into a button.

The story behind it is this: Last Wednesday (post blog that is below), I went to see Robin at the Salem Library to get help with double drive tension for the wheel. She has Scotch tension, but pointed me in the right direction. She and I had a huge guffaw over my son breaking the drive band within 30 minutes of the wheel arriving in my house. Being the extrovert that I am, the story got bigger and funnier as I went along. Basically, UPON PAIN OF RETALIATION....... DON'T TOUCH THE WHEEL. This includes husband and all children. Believe it or not.... it probably includes YOU. I am terrible. This ban will probably pass as soon as I figure it out more comprehensively.

So.... I am back from my conference to Morning Star Ministries. I am refreshed as I haven't been in a long time. I was ministered too physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. I didn't realize how tired and depleted I was!!! Just to have 3 meals a day placed before me and all I had to do was partake of the food....... Unbelievable!

The office of mother is not for wimps. I have so much to be thankful for but at the same time, I am now recognizing the need for rest and replenishing.

I DID NOT take Minstrel with me, and it was a very good thing. There was just no time to spin. Being the social creature that I am, I talked to everyone who was even remotely available to converse with and I would not have wanted to talk about spinning. Can you believe that? I fell into bed at night exhausted and was able to sleep undisturbed. I awoke only needing to get ready and go eat yet another delicious meal that I had not fixed. Hallelujah!!!!!

So, back to real life today. But I am ready!! Here is my 'to do' list for the day:

*Drill dd#2 in her ABC's and sounds
*Hunt down Get Ready for the Code on the Internet to do with dd#2 this summer
*Read with dd#1
*Clean bathrooms
*Uncover tomatoes from protective covering for the non-existent frost we had last night
*Blog entry
*Grab a trashbag and "fling" clutter from all over the house
*Supervise girls cleaning room
*Unpack self
*Clean own room after being gone 3 days
*Plan and execute dinner
*Turn in overdue library books
*Hunt down and purchase lemon/orange oil for Minstrel

Whew! I am glad that I am refreshed or I would be discouraged already. None of those are big things and I am confident that it will ALL get done. Anyone laughing at me yet?


Nana Sadie said...

Glad you had a restorative time away!

Nikki said...

It sounds like a great weekend!!

Do you think Robin can make me a sign that says that only in "cat"? :) They've been good but I still worry.

So far, I've only let my Mom touch my wheel. and that's only to enable her. She's wanted a wheel for forever and I thought if I got her at it, she'd be buying one soon :)

Robin said...

Glad you're home!