This is the lace wing moth section of the Fiore di Melanzana stole. Handspun from David Simpson. Robin helped me decide how many oz. I'd need. I am pretty sure that it is an uneven lace weight up to some sections sport weight yarn. Glad it is for lace and not a fitted garment. Finished up Wallaby #2 for DD#1. Great pattern, but BORING! That is that huge pack of yarn from Knitters Knook. Forgot what it is called. I affectionately call it the 'Z-Pack', as it is from New Zealand. But wait? A Z-Pack if a type of antibiotic. Oh, well. Great yardage, cheap, and best of all wool to keep my kiddoes warm.
Oh, guess what? We are getting a wood stove next week. We have an oil furnace and radiators. Great heat. One problem. We only bought 1/2 a tank of oil and the price was INSANE! In 2 years, we will have saved enough money heating our house with wood to make up for the cost of the stove. Better for the environment too, just a little added bonus for me! Right now, on Oct. 3 at 9:16 am, my house is 65 deg. F. I REFUSE to turn the heat on with all the wool sweaters I have been knitting for my kids over the last 2 years, they are gonna have to actually wear them.
So, DH, is going to have another reason to support my knitting and spinning habit. The sock there is a knee high (I am so into knee highs right now) made with Noro Silk Garden Sock Yarn. L-O-V-E T-H-A-T Y-A-R-N!
I am so grateful to God for so many things in this season of my life. I think I'll make a list. This is as much for me to remind myself of His goodness TODAY! Here goes:
- healthy children
- healthy self and husband
- distance between my crazy family and me. Oh, about 6 hours or so :)
- I have a spinning wheel
- I can knit so very, many cool things
- I have shelter
- there is a wood pile bigger than my mini-van in the driveway
- it is sunny today
- it is my favorite month today
- I am making pasta for dinner
- Andy still has a job!
- Andy is off next week
- Mom is safe, and secure, for now, in a nursing home
- I have all the advice I need to make a competent decision for mom's care
- dad had foresight to leave enough money to care for his wife after his death
- I have many, many friends
- I have high speed Internet
- I don't have a cell phone!
- I love this high pressure in the area now
- did I forget to mention my stash?
I could go on forever. I make this list to help resist the temptation of self-pity. This has been a hard month. But, life is good and I am looking for the positives today.
OK. nough of that, gonna go feed my kids breakfy.
Fortunately we do have the small pleasures that help us thru the really tough times.
I just had this conversation with Dear Daughter the other night. Having kiddos, you're super busy with them. When they get a bit older, and off with their own pals, you may feel as if you have a little more time (of course, then they'll be tweens and teens! Another set of challenges!!!)
I've been enjoying these years when DD has been on her own, with her own family...(of course the drawback there is aging! lolol!)
I haven't turned on the heat, either - I LOVE the idea of your woodstove! And stockpiling the handknits is a terrific idea!
Hang IN there!
I wussed out and turned the heat on. I stop functioning when I'm cold. I cut corners in many other places to justify the heat.
And I count YOU as one of the many blessings in my life, dear friend.
I haven't turned the heat on yet and we're trying to see how long we can go until we have to. I figure it will be late October no matter how we feel because my MIL from Florida is coming up to visit.
Anyway, yeah for the wood stove!! And for counting our blessings ... it truly puts life back into perspective.
It's nice that we have our knitting and spinning to calm us.
The yarn for your shawl is lovely.
I really like your Grateful List.
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