Monday, December 01, 2008

A New Era!

Originally uploaded by blessed_wild_flower
Well, it is almost the end of the year. I have not blogged much this year, BUT!!!! It is December the 1st and my 2nd annual homeschool hiatus has begun in earnest! This is the month where we do no math, no formal language arts, and generally mess around as much as possible. This could include cleaning, IF I feel like it. This could include making cookies, IF I feel like it. It most certainly WILL include as much knitting as possible!!!

Check out our new toy. Take a second and play the video, and if you are unable, so sorry, I am NOT able to help *sigh*

Well, it is almost the end of the year. I have not blogged much this year, BUT!!!! It is December the 1st and my 2nd annual homeschool hiatus has begun in earnest! This is the month where we do no math, no formal language arts, and generally mess around as much as possible. This could include cleaning, IF I feel like it. This could include making cookies, IF I feel like it. It most certainly WILL include as much knitting as possible!!!

Check out our new toy. Take a second and play the video, and if you are unable, so sorry, I am NOT able to help *sigh*